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38 posts found tagged with "WorkSpace".

WorkSpace™ Developer API

Did you know that WorkSpace™ cloud apps are available as open APIs?

A Whole New Edition Of WorkSpace™ Has Arrived!

Are you a user of WorkSpace 1.0? You may want to know that a brand new version of the WorkSpace platform is now available with exciting new features and a fresh look. Are you ready for an upgrade?

E-Vouchers WorkSpace™ app launched

Find out how our new E-Vouchers app can help you retain and reward your customers.

WorkSpace™ Cloud

Build and run your business in the cloud. Webcraft WorkSpace™ is a robust business software platform capable of running virtually all the software your business needs. Ideal for SMEs, WorkSpace™ offers a wide range of ready-made and tailor-made web enabled apps within a fully managed and secure environment.

Content Targetting & CTAs

WorkSpace™ helps you target content on your blog or website to improve conversions.

Tailor-Made Business Apps

We leverage our WorkSpace™ Cloud platform to deliver tailor-made, enterprise class, business software apps to meet the exact needs of our customers.

SMS Text Messaging

Stay in touch with your customers and contacts by means of personal and instant SMS text messages. Automate and simplify notifications, alerts and other messages for a seamless, mobile messaging solution.

Outlook Coop

A fresh new website for a leading design & communications organisation.

Tomtom - Cigars, Whisky & Coffee (UK)

London based cigar, coffee and whisky merchant since 1997, Tomtom run a successful online shop offering their exclusive products to customers worldwide.