WorkSpace Web Publisher is a ready-made, easy to use and feature rich web content publishing application designed to enable you to take full control of the content on your website. Whether you want to publish news articles, special offers, event announcements or a catalogue of products, Web Publisher makes the process of loading and administering web pages very quick and straight forward. In addition, the software supports multiple media types such as images and flash movies to provide for rich content on your website as well as enhanced text editing and control.

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Just In Time Publishing

Web Publisher provides all the tools your organisation needs to publish information on your website or blog, quickly and effectively. The cloud application enables your own staff to take full control of pages, and posts turning your website into your most effective communications channel.

Rich Media Formats

Web pages can contain a variety of media formats such as text, pictures, movies and document attachments. Publishing rich media pages is made easy and includes support for embedding of third party providers such as YouTube, Trip Advisor, Dot Mailer, Vimeo and Twitter (just to mention a few).

Scheduling & Archiving

Content editors can easily schedule content for publishing on their website or blogs enabling you to have content automatically show online on pre-defined dates. In addition, you can also have old content move to your archives when expired.

Dynamic Organisation

Easily organise your content using a simple cut and paste process to move pages and posts around within your website or blog. Create folders and posts to quickly re-organise content and automatically update navigation on your sites.

Friendly URLs and Redirections

Friendly URLs (URL re-writing) provide handy links for users as well as improve Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for your pages. In addition, Page Redirections allow you to create your own show addresses to link to specific pages, searches or other web pages.

User Reviews & Comments

Allow website visitors to post messages and comments directly with your posts. User generated content can drammatically boost your content, improve SEO as well as increase visitor traffic and interest. Web Publisher also provides tools for moderation and comment filtering by your staff.

Meta Tag Customisation

Publishers can take control of meta descriptions and keywords used by search robots and other automated programmes on the Internet such as Google.  Tags can also be an effective way to cross link content on your website to automatically organise large volumes of content by selected keywords.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Web Publisher is designed from the ground up to produce search optimized pages and content with minimal effort from the publisher. In turn this results in improved organic ranking on popular search engines such as Google.

Social Media

Social Media is today a powerful and effective way to spread your message and get your content seen.  

Web Publisher implements the Open Graph ( protocol to fully automate the process of loading and sharing data with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  This takes away much of the time and hassle required to maintain multiple social media pages and making Web Publisher your central content repository across all media.

